Holy crap! I just got hit on the head and recalled that I have not updated this since Paris Hilton was in jail... You would not believe that I actually have a life. Please don't abandon me!.

天哪 我剛剛才發現我自從芭莉絲希爾頓吃牢飯以來我就沒更新過網誌了 你絕不會相信我其實還活著 拜託 不要捨棄我啦

I am flat out with discovering time doesn't stand still, the waiting staff, just generally being a worry to the secret service, my day is long and tiring from sun-up to I feel like going to bed. I am not complaining though. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

我很疲累的發現我的生活再也不一樣了 就好像等待一樣 只是煩惱著一些秘密的事情 每天都顯的很長很累 從早上起床忙到晚上想睡覺為止 我沒有抱怨 生活就像一盒巧克力一樣 你不打開它你永遠也不會知道裡面裝的是什麼

I won't promise anything to you but I will blog about it when I find my way home. Well, I'll try. No Joke!.

我對你發誓只要我在家我就會更新網誌 我會盡力去達成的 不開玩笑

My English is not good enough, but I still wanna post some English articles.
How to write an English blog? Now, you got a help. Easy and funny!!
Give it a try, you will find how fun it is.

The Lazy Bloggers Post Generator(點我go)

ps:翻譯的不好隨便看看吧 無意中在別人blog發現的新玩意 和大家分享 ^^

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